27 лип. 2022 р.
Tina Karol's foundation "POLE OF GRAVITY"

Tina Karol's foundation "POLE OF GRAVITY" - a charitable initiative of singers, the purpose of which is to help children's oncology departments of city and regional hospitals of all cities of Ukraine.
Assistance is provided directly to the oncology department of the hospital in the purchase and provision of necessary equipment or medications.
The list of cities is constantly expanding. Each new city that will receive assistance and which is currently awaiting the Mission of the Fund - will be listed on the Fund's page on the singer's website.
The list of already provided assistance is also being updated.
Charity Fund "Polyus tjazhninnya" is not a fund-raising organization and carries out its activities exclusively at the expense of funding by the singer herself: funds from solo concerts in the halls of Tina Karol are transferred to the Fund.
Tina Karol says:
"In my idea to create such a Fund, there is only one and the most important motivation - this concern. Having experienced it, I understand how lonely parents and children who suffer from this terrible plague of the 21st century feel. I want to bring some joy into their lives, warmth and care for them.
"Полюс Тяжиння" was opened on June 1, 2014 on Children's day